
Trainings and Workshops

Children with special needs require supportive network of parents, teachers, schools and community. Training programs help parents, professionals and families to reduce challenges and celebrate diversity by reinforcing potentials. We at Margshree organize various training programs, workshops, seminars and symposiums for parents, professionals and schools.

Parents Empowerment

  • Workshops for the parents of children with special needs.
  • Awareness camps for various government facilities for children/person with Disabilities.

School Empowerment Program

  • Free workshops for school teachers within their school premises.
  • Training sessions for shadow teachers.
  • Peer training workshops to strengthen buddy system in the classroom for children with learning difficulties.

Training For Independent Living /Job Training

  • Skill knowledge program for children and adolescents.
  • Networking with various agencies to promote independent living and rehabilitation.

Siblings training in order to build a supportive home environment.